
  • The Demand

    She remembered the day she asked, er, demanded for Hermione to marry her very well, and the day itself, too.

  • Bubbles

    There was a powerful feeling of safety and happiness that she felt, being with her wife and children.

  • Love's Existence

    Today, Minerva McGonagall doubts whether soul mates really do exist.

  • Letting Go

    Shouldn't it be so that the selfless option hurt less, as a strange kind of... 'emotional compensation', for being strong and making that hard, unbearable decision?

  • My Epitome

    Minerva muses about her marriage, one late Saturday night.

  • Impulsive

    If only for them both and their baby, he might have made the right decision.

  • Perfect Mornings

    You know when the perfect woman is the very one you call your wife.

  • Cracks

    She had to go... but the cracks showed when she did.

  • Christmas Wishes

    There was no better time to lose the fight and give in to loving than Christmas. HG/MM

  • Neediness

    Hermione and Minerva have been together for a couple of years and sometimes they get quite needy... It isn't necessarily wanting one another, rather than needing each other. HG/MM SMUT

  • Belonging Versus Mattering

    Severus Snapy only realized too late that 'belonging somewhere' didn't necessarily mean those you belong with care.

  • Time To Move On (Couldn't Stay)

    Story set directly after Cursed Child events. Hermione can't help but feel like maybe Ron and she weren't supposed to cross the line we they did and got together. / Implied HG/MM

  • Into the Void

    Light filled her gaze, then the dark hit, and it would for a long time to come for both her and her companion.

  • King's Cross again

    ."Ah, Harry. Here we meet again." ... "You're still the same," Dumbledore stated, still smiling. "Still just as modest as I remember." Harry/Albus -REWRITTEN!

  • Infinite

    "I believe this might just be what love is," Hermione whispers to the darkness in which she is well aware Minerva can still hear her, despite the fact she doesn't react.

  • Accidental Magic

    Hermione finally takes the step to leave her unhappy marriage, unable to keep fighting for what was never meant to be. Ron doesn't let go that easily, convinced that they belong together... which leaves its consequences. Hermione tries to deal with it on her own somehow, but... is she truly that? - Under Construction

  • Entwined

    Minerva knew her incredibly well, and maybe that really meant something.

  • What's Curious

    To be deprived from your freedom and your privacy should never be underestimated. Dealing was what everyone needed to do to survive somehow.

  • Don't Give Up

    There's loss; there's victory. There's always a new day.

  • Stronger Love

    When not long after the battle Hermione finds herself in love yet unable to let go of the trauma she's been through, she remembers the Memory Charm that saved her parents when the war went on. As much as she wishes she could just 'forget', though, she doesn't cast it on herself, but 'deletes' the love she knew in a way that is far more painful.