
  • Unspoken Words

    There weren't even goodbyes.

  • American Authoress

    Minerva and Hermione never would have expected for them to meet the way they did, again, but, maybe, it wasn't so unexpected at all after all, either.

  • The Freedom To Fly

    Aurora wanted to know how it felt to fly, to have wings of her own. She wanted to feel the freedom she thought her Fairy Godmother must feel when she tumbled through the air.

  • Going Back, Going Forth

    In battle, Hermione is hit with a hex that changes everything. She doesn't feel like she belongs anywhere anymore, leaving the United Kingdom and hoping that France will satisfy... until an honest offer reaches her there and her Gryffindor courage leads her to accept. CHALLENGE by MegaNerdAlert

  • What We Can Be

    Neither Hermione or Minerva McGonagall was the sort of woman who acted on impulse, but acting, they did. HG/MM /Sequel to: Who I Really Am/

  • Who I Really Am

    It definitely affected her, but how and maybe more particularly… why?

  • Child Wish

    Minerva McGonagall always appeared so tough. The thought of her burning wish long buried leaves her sometimes broken, though. HG/MM

  • Unfathomable Affection

    He couldn't not love this witch; being away from her made him realize. HP/MM

  • Hot Flashes

    Although bothersome when he wasn't with her, she happily took those 'annoying' hot flashes on with it. AD/MM

  • Unmatched Patience

    She waited like a cat in a tree – if needed. Wasn't that the most of confirmation to herself and the rest of the world that she actually was no lunatic, driven by her needs only and unable to wait to satisfy? BellaMin -REWRITTEN!

  • The Memory of a Love Lost

    She really reminded him of the love he had once lost and would never see again; not at King's Cross, not in any other afterlife. Mild HG/SS

  • Chasing Cats

    He never could have guessed what and who when he chased after the cat.

  • Black Poison

    Bellatrix has always liked to toy with her little victims... Challenging situations. Connecting emotions. ADULT THEMES -REWRITTEN!

  • Understanding

    Kittens. Hermione/George. "Where was I?" - contribution to Twin Exchange Monthly Challenge. WON!

  • The Scene in the Alley

    Minerva and Hermione are witness to quite the scene upon leaving the Hog's Head... HG/MM -REWRITTEN!

  • Everywhere

    Minerva suffers after Albus's death. She's brave, but… most of all because that's who she needs to be. AD/MM -REWRITTEN!

  • Pretending

    The moment to be pretending had passed long between them. There were no more secrets now. HG/MM -REWRITTEN!

  • True Confidence

    Panic overtook once again as the red F began screaming in her head. -REWRITTEN!

  • Teasing Foregone

    Hermione and Minerva have both been very busy lately with a new school year steadily coming nearer – too busy to show each other love even. However, busy times settle sometime… HG/MM -REWRITTEN!

  • Slightly Mad

    Bellatrix hasn't always been bordering on insanity, a word so easily associated with the eldest Black daughter. No, she's become... slightly mad. - slight Bellatrix/Voldemort & Bellatrix/Rodolphus -REWRITTEN!