Humphrey d omega

  • Generation after Generations

    As the title of the story says 'Generation after Generations', We start off at the very beginning and end with the last generation, join our fellow wolves in the adventure of their life and find out shocking secrets of the past of your favorite characters. Here on this new crossover written by me (Humphrey d Omega) and my fellow companion Kodiwolf321

  • Humphrey's Lost

    Humphrey decided to explore the eastern territory but little did he know he was being watched, after exploring the eastern territory Humphrey gets knocked out by unknown wolves and they take him hostage, but when Kate can't find Humphrey anywhere she starts to get worried and goes to look for Humphrey, will she find Humphrey before its to late?, Read and find out!

  • Humphrey's True Feeling

    Humphrey is married with Kate and Garth is married with Lilly but all that changes when Humphrey starts too develop feelings for Garth , how will he handle it? , what will happen? , will Garth feel the same towards him? or will he cause himself alot of trouble? read and find out how it will end for our 4 wolves in this new Story. My first fanfic story