
  • Super Vs Natural

    Sam and Dean Winchester are good at demon. You might even say they're the best. But when it comes to human foes, they have a little more trouble. Especially this strange British human that seems to know exactly where they will be next. Sherlock is hired to find and bring justice to two American brothers by the name of Winchester.

  • The Boy From The Sky: Take Two

    As the comet comes nearer everyday, the Gaang is faced with a new challenge. A boy ha fallen from the sky and given a mission that must be completed. But he can't do it alone. *Set after the Southern Raiders and before The Lost Hero* (This is just the revised version of my other story. This one will be better, I promise!)

  • Short Sam Story

    Pre-series! When Sam decides to leave home for university, his family is hurt. But Sam can't keep living this way. One-shot

  • First Times

    Growing up with only a gruff dad, a useless older brother and no steady friends or family, Sam Winchester is next to clueless about girls. When he moves in with Jess, he's surprised when the life isn't perfect. He stumbles and blunders his way through a whole bunch of firsts with her, including an embarrassing trip to the drugstore for tampons.

  • Confusion in NY

    After doing some snooping on a New York website, Sam's attention is caught by someone named Perseus Jackson. Dean dubs him 'human crazy' but Sam can't quite accept that. After a few girls go missing and a hellhound is sighted, Sam and Dean are lead straight to Perseus' front door... first impressions can be confusing.

  • We Have It Great

    "I hate being a demi-god." Everyone has said it, so why does she feel so differently about it? She wouldn't trade being a demi-god for the world. (Rated T for one swear)