
  • Fears and Emptiness

    Found in my old notebook. Two in one, drabbles of Spike and Lynda angst, no spoilers although, off screen character death and I haven't watched it in order for years so maybe slight liberty on timeline. Apologies again to any Italian readers. Please read and review. It's a free story we spend a lot of time on and the only payment we ask for is a few words to keep us going. Thanks

  • Looking after your own

    Set after Parker's Family Ties; please read first or it will not make any sense. Slight A/U in that it drifts away from team but stilll Leverage Universe. Appologies for the title - so much harder than the stories to write. Eliot finds lost love, wants to rekindly; she's not so keen. A story of seperation and pain, followed eventually by love and hope.