
  • If Harvest Moon Characters Were In Famous Movies

    A fun, little project imagining what it would be like if Harvest Moon characters took up the job of being actors in famous movies. "5 stars: Fun, quirky and crackfic crazy. This is the best Harvest Moon - Hollywood crossover ever!" - Sumbudy I. M. Adeup, The Made Up Magazine. [[Suggest more movies for me to adapt in the review section :)]] Chapter 1: Twilight of Happiness

  • Landscape my heart

    Rio hasn't looked at any other guy since she met Neil. Her eyes have always been filled with him. The only thing is, he never looks back at her. An intimate story of love, loss and landscape. [One shot] [Neil x Rio]

  • Is it here yet?

    Neil is a nervous wreck. He's used to assisting animals in giving birth to their newborns but this is a different situation. How can he be calm and optimistic when it's his own child being born? A little one shot about the love between husband and wife, and the significance of sheep. [One shot] [Neil x Rio].

  • In My Imagination

    Rio had always had a thing for Rod. In her imagination, he had already confessed his love for her. In reality? Not so much. A cute story about a girl, a guy and a missing dog. [One Shot] [Rio x Rod]