
  • He Zombie

    Zombies didn't talk. Zombies were brainless, mindless shells. She was trapped by some mad cannibal!

  • The Time Travelers Husband

    Involuntarily thrust through time over and over again, Hermione Granger keeps getting shuttled from one year to the next with only one consistency. Tom Riddle.

  • Curse Breaker

    Bill's first day on the job.

  • Mindset of a Founder

    Rowena struggles to whip the Hogwarts curriculum into shape. Third part of the Hogwarts Relay for the Hogwarts Olympics.

  • Unwritten

    "Time, as I have said, is constantly being written, rewritten, and… unwritten." Harry looked at him sharply. "Are you saying that I can change history? But Hermonie said-" "Miss Granger can, and has, been wrong before. History can be changed Harry if you would be willing to try… it would involve a lot of risk and uncertainty. But it is possible." SLASH TR/HP

  • Evolution

    What would it be tomorrow? It didn't know.

  • Nagini

    Searching for one thing leads to another.

  • Hope

    Marius Black, age ten, is infected with the worst kind of disease. Hope.

  • Brother my Brother

    "Who are you?" His eyebrows rose. "I suppose I am your brother."

  • Predator and Prey

    Sometimes the line between predator and prey is blurred. Took the Bronze in the Hogwarts Olympics for BMX Biking.

  • The Ghost in the Bathroom

    Through a sudden twist of fate, Myrtle is spared the deadly gaze of the Basilisk, unfortunately Tom wasn't so lucky.

  • A Moment

    Severus Snape looked into the mirror of Erised and marveled at what he saw.

  • The Light and the Darkness

    The birth of the Patronus Charm was, as the birth of most things are, messy and painful.

  • Memory

    He said he was just a memory. A friend. Someone to talk to. She had believed him, and his stories of a magical land just beyond her world. But what happens when Tom Riddle becomes more than just a forgotten memory to the orphaned muggle girl?