
  • I Saw You Today

    Angel is human; Buffy finally knows in her heart that she must let him go.

  • Miss Merrick

    Buffy gets help from an unexpected source and Quentin Travers gets what he deserves. Happens during the 'Helpless' episode in season 3. This story is a sort of prequel to 'The Last Living Slayer'.

  • Angel's Last Thoughts

    Future fic containing Angel's last thoughts before he dies.

  • Who Is Real And Who Is Not

    AU fic. Buffy hasn't been seen in California in years. She pays a visit to her old friends at Angel Investigations. Warning: In this story Faith is working for the bad guy.

  • Dinner Date

    Angelus takes his date home.

  • Why I Love Her

    Angel explains why he loves his slayer. AU take on Angel's reaction to Buffy's death; assumes that there was no resurrection spell.

  • Recipients Unaware

    Near the end of their lives, Buffy and Angel each write a letter to the other, knowing full well that neither letter will ever be received.