
  • Apocalypse

    The end has stricken. Sniffles knew it would before it was even spurted on the news; so he invents something to save the lives of his friends. The Tree Friends are convinced that the safety of Sniffles' machine will protect them, but Shifty's selfish act had mixed the intentions for his new machine, transferring them into a threatening new world.(Flippy/EvilxFlaky and more!)

  • Ugly Envy

    Flippy was falling for Flaky, hopelessly and selfishly. But her realtionship with Shifty wasn't a hurdle that could be jumped over so easily, especially with his affectionate ex-girlfriend Giggles on his tail. To what extent will he go to get his way? Rated M for slight sexual content. A not so jolly love story featuring FlakyxFlippy, FlakyxShifty, and various others!

  • Coffee?

    It's time for Flippy to confess everything to Flaky now. No more bottled up, flustering feelings. What's a better way to do so than over a nice, hot, steaming coffee? Who knows how far things will spiral tonight...A Flippy/Flaky/Evil two-shot, with nothing but fluff, lemons, and a tad of gore. M-rated for obvious reasons. Read if you dare!