
  • Itsy Bitsy Spider

    William glared further, as if trying to assess if the butler was sincere or not. "You didn't know?" he asked. "Know what?" Sebastian hissed, his red eyes narrowing almost as much as the reaper's. "Claude Faustus was your son." Mpreg past WilliamXSebastian, WilliamXGrell

  • Darcy Malfoy

    Fem!Draco. This is the story we all know told through the eyes of a different Draco than we are used to. This is how Darcy gets through her years at Hogwarts and tries to comes to terms with her crush on her enemy- the one and only Boy-Who-Lives. Rating will most likely change as they grow older.

  • Siri Black

    What if Sirius had been a girl? 0.o How would that mess with things? Similar idea to my story Renata Lupin, but with very different outcomes!

  • Miss PotterMalfoy

    Fem!Harry Ivy Potter is found by the Malfoys and is taken in. Eventual Ivy/Snape. Rating may go up.

  • Strive to Change

    Harry Potter failed to kill the Dark Lord. Teddy Lupin, 13, has just lost everything. Cornered by Death Eaters, and faced with a fate worse than death, he risks taking a faulty port-key. He couldn't imagine where he ends up, with who, or when.

  • Elska

    Before that fateful Halloween, Lily Potter finds something questionable in her bathroom cabinet. It causes her to question everything about her life and begin again. Little does she know that this could change everything. EventualSnilly James bashing. I know the ending is awful. I lost the muse, I may write a sequel or can be adopted if you want it.

  • At the Burrow

    The December after the last battle, Jess Potter goes back to the Burrow ready to share a secret or two...

  • Renata Lupin

    What life as a Marauder would be like if Remus Lupin was born a girl. Sorry for the bad summery, this is my first story.

  • Happenings in Tournaments

    Fem!Harry Snapshots of Violet Potter's fourth year as she deals with a boy...