

  • In Love with Easeful Death

    Adam hates when Ian drags him out but tonight he meets an interesting woman and the evening takes a strange turn. Adam x Nameless OFC

  • Loki's Lesson

    Loki gives you a lesson in self-love.

  • I Will Be Queen

    Today is your wedding day and Loki has a few things to say about that.

  • The Christening

    You and Loki christen Thor's throne during his coronation. Loki x Reader

  • Playing Games

    Behind every broken, rightful King of Asgard is a woman tasked with the challenge of reminding him who he is and what his purpose is. And thank gods you're up for the challenge! This moment between Loki and the reader takes place in Loki's cell before Thor's visit in Thor 2: The Dark World. Loki x Reader