
  • The 2015 Gentlemen of Las Vegas Charity Swimsuit Calendar

    The guys team up to raise money for a good cause. The plan is to post a chapter a month for all of 2015. Rated T because I am paranoid.

  • Why Plums Are My Favorite Fruit: A Story of Friendship

    Danny Ocean meets Rusty Ryan. A beautiful friendship ensues. Rated T for future events. A/N Many thanks to Otherhawk and Insilva for their encouragement. This wouldn't have been posted but for them. But if it sucks, it's not their fault. The fault is all mine, unlike the characters.

  • Really Good to See You Again

    Danny and Rusty...will they or won't they? After a long separation our heroes meet up in Pensacola for some well earned down time. It's quite a reunion.

  • Let Us Find Some Comfort Here

    Short standalone that I wrote as part of Plums 'Verse, but works in any setting/ time. The aftermath of Rusty's nightmare.

  • Once Upon A Time

    Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince. He loved a beautiful princess and wanted to marry her. But, one day, the prince was captured and thrown into a deep dark dungeon. He was very sad, because he had no way to tell the princess what had happened and to tell her how much he loved her. Or that one day he would be free and on that day he would find her.

  • So there was this girl

    Inspired by Danny's parting line to Rusty in O13. O13ish AU with a heavy dose of pre-movie stage setting. If you don't like OCs this wont be the fic for you. No Danny/ Rusty just as always their amazing friendship. Pro-Tess. Rated T for future violence.

  • Not a fitting punishment

    Standalone. Danny and Rusty are in a bad foster placement.

  • Happy New Year, Rusty Ryan

    Very short New Year's Eve offering. The boys ring in their first NY together.