Jed Rhodes

  • League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: 2000

    Mycroft Holmes assembles a new League for a new era: can the War Doctor, Auror Ron Weasley, super spy James Bond, Silent Hill survivor Heather Mason, Slayer Buffy Summers and ex-NYPD cop Max Payne discover who has stolen alien tech and demonic artefacts? And can they stop whatever they plan? Multi-Xover, Silent Hill, BTVS, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, James Bond, BBC Sherlock, FEAR.

  • Boredom

    Dumbledore tries to stave off the boredom of being a painting, annoying Snape in the process...

  • Revenge!

    Filches revenge.

  • The Darkness in the Light

    Harry Potter; a sadistic murderer. Ronald Weasley; a sophisticated mercenary. Hermione Granger; a academic failure, and more besides. These three are sent into our world by a power-hungry Dumbledore, to make it ready for conquest...