

  • Buoy

    "She needed to be strong, brave, a buoy for her new, small, scared friend." After the shipwreck, Ginger tries her best to reassure Mary Ann that everything will be fine.

  • Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving with the Gillises.

  • Three Dollars

    After things fall through with Dobie's girl, he decides to spend the rest of the day with Maynard.

  • Island Family

    The Professor reflects on the other castaways.

  • Black & White

    In order to win a girl, Dobie pretends to be a photographer. How long will the ruse go before he is found out?

  • Heroes

    Mary Ann loses hope for rescue, and Gilligan tries to make her feel better. Post Wrongway Feldman

  • Inadequate

    Mary Ann and Gilligan are both feeling unimportant, so they remind each other of how wonderful they really are. MAG

  • A Good Thing

    The Professor tries to cheer up the others, so he takes them to watch the sunrise to remind them just how lucky they are. Set after Castaways Pictures Presents. Contains some MAG and Pinger.

  • If Once You Have Slept On An Island

    "Lying there among her fellow castaways, Mary Ann felt as if they were all surrounded by a warm glow of happiness. Everything seemed to shine." Post-rescue.

  • Back Alright

    "The moon became visible, casting an eerie light on the dark sea and the crew, standing exhausted on the deck of the batter Minnow." The Skipper's thoughts after the storm.

  • Not That Kind of Movie

    After the events of "You've Been Disconnected", Ginger goes to reconcile with Gilligan.