
  • You Look So Sad

    You look sad, when you think he can't see you. (One shot angsty Sherlock, rated M just to be extra safe.)

  • WolfStar

    Sirius and Remus both have a deep desire for each other, but neither of them know it. Yet. WARNING: Smutty as hell.

  • Everyponys gay for Braeburn

    Braeburn and Big Mac have been best friends since childhood but Brae won't lie to himself, he feels something more for the man, something he knows he shouldn't. (Warning: Smutty)

  • The Beach

    Very short oneshot about the sleeping arrangements at the hotel during the Creatures E3 Roadtrip. (Feat. ImmortalHD, Uberhaxornova, Kootra and Danznews from the Creature Hub)