

  • The Truth About Crashing

    Prowl has been crashed continuously by humans and his fellow Bots. They take it as a joke. Now they are all about to have a wake up call to the severity of his problem. And the way he will make sure it never happens again.

  • Sanity of Earth

    Over a hundred years ago, a Cybertronian landed in the Kuril Islands. He stayed there for seventy-three years till 1917. Then, he left. This mech was called Prowl. He was never found by the Autobots or Decepticons. Until now.

  • One Night

    The crew of the Ark have decided that their superiors need to loosen up. So they give a special kind of high grade energon to the targets. This energon hits the systems instantly. What will the normally powerful Autobots do while under the influence of drink?

  • The Hit Job

    If one must live. One must fall. The truth behind the position of Second in Command.

  • At The Beginning

    Before they came to love each other, Alice and Blurr hated each other. A bet though makes them see that maybe they're not so different after all. Continuation of Shade Penn's work. All credit to the previous author.