
  • Wooed in Paris

    A small drabble based off Episode 3 of "Alex's Unfinished Business". What if Hal went a little further than just saying random words? Rated T for some sexual themes.

  • Falling Into Old Habits

    A month after Iris and Eddie move in together, they have a huge fight. When Iris is left in tears, she calls the Flash to pick up the pieces.

  • Bellamy?

    Jasper's internal monologue when he sees Maya outside of the door, with a guard that looks a lot like Bellamy next to her. (Set during 2x11 "Coup de Grace")

  • I Love You, But

    Lydia didn't know that such a simple phrase when directed toward the boy she may or may not be in love with could have such complications. (Stydia Fic)

  • I Can Help You Save Him

    The Deadpool is over, but Lydia's beginning to have nightmares. She knows something worse is coming, and she's afraid that she won't be able to save the only boy who ever mattered. Stiles. (Stydia. Takes place after 4x10)