

  • The Death of Me

    Some short scenes I thought might be interesting to see from Peeta's POV. R/R, tell me what you think and any suggestions you have. ((Constructive Criticism is accepted and appreciated.))

  • Things Fall Apart

    Leslie in her last moments. And what becomes of Jess after tragedy strikes. Will he ever be okay? How will he react when he comes across what seems to be a familiar face? Will she be able to help him? Or is Jess too stuck in the past to be helped? / To everyone who has continued to read this 14 month long project, I am thankful for your support and time! \\

  • Son of Cansrel

    R/R. **Formerly Titled: "Secret"** ...I think the title explains all that I can give away for now...

  • What She Doesn't Remember

    "Katniss? Katniss, are you in here? Please be in here!" I shout as I squint trying to adjust to the light. This is a scene that Katniss doesn't remember when she was locked up after **SPOILER ALERT** she shot Coin. ((Rated T: just because it's the Hunger Games.)) ONE SHOT or TWO SHOT.

  • A Thief

    TWO SHOT. Court Scene(before/during/after). Saf POV... What am I doing! She's too good for me, too innocent. I'm going to ruin her. Or worse...worse, I'll hurt her. I couldn't bear to do that. I can't hurt her. I won't. I'd rather die. :: "Now, Mr. Sapphire Birch, assuming you claim to be innocent," the judge pauses and I nod.(May contain spoilers)(T: language & some violence)

  • The Day I Die

    This fic picks up right where the movie left off (haven't read the book in awhile so this is based solely on the movie.)

  • Paper Cuts

    'Sometimes paper cuts hurt the most.' ...Short snippets of what I imagine happens after "Paper Towns" ends. MargoRothSpiegelmen x QuentinJacobsen