
  • An Undertow of Sand

    Cthulu Mythos Fusion. "A half-blood child of the eldest gods, shall reach sixteen against all odds." Who decided the sons of Kronos met the criteria? There are older gods. Elder Gods. See with your mind, oh Child of Prophecy. For reality is a lie. Your very existence is a flaw. An anomaly. A bend in Fate. And if Fate can bend, then it can break. Open your eyes...

  • Camp Half-Blood Tales

    Alternate perspectives and side stories from An Undertow of Sand

  • Olympus

    Our choices make us who we are. But would Harry Potter make the same choices if he had been raised happy in another country? No. Not all that glitters is gold. Political!Harry

  • Deathly Hallowed

    The Tale of Three Brothers was not a legend. It was a warning. No one cheats Death. And luckily for Lily Potter, the promise of the Cloak's return in exchange for her son's life was a fair deal. Stare into the abyss, Harry Potter, and we will see who blinks first.

  • Harry Potter and Death's Incarnate

    Lily Potter's pleas for her son caught the attention of someone it shouldn't have. Now that Death has taken a personal interest in him, what is life for Harry going to be like? Covers First Year

  • Olympus

    Adopted by VicorumRex

  • Harry Potter and the Breath of Life

    Sequel to HPaDI. The Chamber of Secrets has reopened and both students and teachers are swept into Harry's issues with the Incarnates. Act, and he loses his life to Death. Don't act and the consequences may just be the same...