
  • The Bird's Nest

    Tsuna ventures into a haunted mansion and meets up with two mysterious skylarks and his supposedly dead grandfather who also hides a mystery.

  • He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not

    Love is hard when the one you love doesn't love you back. Or so it seems.

  • Sensei?

    He is a rebellious teen pushing everyone away but the only one who could break down his walls, is someone out of reach. When he finds out the one he loves is being harmed, he will fight to show that person true love.

  • Trapped

    Shoichi is plain in appearance, so he couldn't understand why Byakuran was harassing him. He was handsome and well-liked while Shoichi was neither. He had never bothered Byakuran before so why was he being targeted! Warning: Abuser x Victim, Slurs, Mild Inappropriate Content

  • How to Appease a Skylark

    Tsunayoshi only wanted to relax today and yet he was forced to wear a dress. It's not his fault that Hibari-san is mad...or is it?

  • The Climax to the Love Story

    In this fairy tale, the story takes place directly at the problem. Spade wants to marry Tsunayoshi but Tsunayoshi s heart is with Kyouya. Kyouya returns in order to save his lover. On a side note, please don't take this fanfiction as serious. It's for good humor. Extreme ooc.

  • Not Enough

    Tsunayoshi has something important to tell his father, Giotto, but he wonders if he has the strength to tell him. Trigger Warnings: Abuse and Discriminatory behaviour are present in this content. Don't read if you are uncomfortable with that. You've been warned.

  • Entry

    Kuroko liesurely writes in a journal but after an incident he now depends on it.

  • A Helpless Cry

    He needs you like the end of the night, when the darkness consumes the life. This pain is endless, a tragedy with no happy ending.

  • N Obsession

    It's confusing. Nothing makes sense.