
  • It's Complicated

    When Karma finds out what has been going on with Amy and Lauren over the past few months she's hurt and shocked as she had only recently discovered her true feelings for Amy, could this change everything? [This starts of as Cooperfeld, but rest assured ends as Karmy]

  • Jealous Much?

    Amy has decided it's time to move on from Karma, but when she tells her best friend she's going on a date Karma suddenly realises she might have made a mistake when Amy had admitted her true feelings. [ONE SHOT]

  • Shower Talk

    Karma desperately needs to talk to Amy, but the two of them haven't spoken for almost 2 days. When she goes over she finds that there are other things on Amy's mind. [ONE SHOT]

  • Tell Her How You Feel

    Amy finally answers one of Karma's calls and agrees to meet her in the park, but she is overcome with jealously and frustration at the mention of Liam. Will her true feelings show? [ONE SHOT]

  • What A Hottie

    When Karma arrives at Amy's house the night of her mothers party she experiences a new kind of attraction to her best friend, and she struggles to keep her hands to herself. [ONE SHOT]

  • Liquid Courage

    When Maura suddenly comes face to face with the idea she might lose Jane to Casey she acts out in an unexpected way. But should you really follow your heart or listen your head?