No Stranger to Sarcasm

  • All Hallows' Evening-The Night of Samhain

    Half a year has passed since the events of RotG, and the Fearlings possessing Pitch are weakened from the lack of belief and the Nightmares feeding off them. It is All Hallows' Eve, and as Kozmotis' personality and emotions resurface, he's approached by the apparition of someone he's never imagined to see again. Read&Review

  • Of Nightmares&Guardians-How a hero became Pitch & a priest the Sandman

    Redraft of Pitch Black's origin, once Kozmotis Pitchiner, & the Sandman, once priest of the Oneiroi; loosely based on the books, but taking place on earth. Instead of somewhere in space, welcome to the Golden Age of Atlantis. Will also include the origin of both the Man in the Moon and Nightlight. Featuring Emily Jane(Mother Nature), Lady Pitchiner and Ombric Shalazar. Read&Review

  • A Place for Fear

    Some years before RotG, Pitch still struggles with controlling the newly corrupted Nightmaresand. Feeling frustrated by his condition, the bogeyman goes to visit one of his few remaining believers, one he has neither haunted nor ever seen before, to learn what makes her believe. Please read&review.

  • What Frightens Fear

    At the end of the movie his Nightmares dragged Pitch into his lair; but what could they force the embodiment of fear to see? Even ancient memories from Kozmotis Pitchiner begin to surface, stirring emotions that not even ten thousand fearlings had been able to fully eradicate. Feedback appreciated.