
  • Whispers To An Empty Wind

    John and Sherlock haven't spoken for years. After Sherlock returned from the dead John was already engaged to be with Mary... Sherlock tried to tell john how he felt, but at that point it was too late... Now something awful has happened and the only person who can make it better is Sherlock.

  • Through Time and Space I Found You

    Sherlock is a consulting detective from the eighteen hundreds and suddenly a blue box appears. He goes after it for a case only to be brought into 2014 where he meets John Watson. Sherlock is confused and doesn't understand how things work and he's frustrated.

  • Everything Is Not What It Seems

    Sometimes things are not what they seem. You can think one thing about something or someone and then you find out you were completely wrong and everything that you thought you knew is suddenly gone and nothing makes sense. John Watson is the perfect example of all of this. He knows how to play the game and he most definitely knows how to not get caught.