

  • A Different Sort of Darkness

    Arthur stood there, breathing heavily. He smiled grimly at the sight of the Minister of Magic crumpled like a ragdoll at the end of the room. Then the enormity of his actions hit him. "Oh, God. What the hell have I done?" Set during the fifth year! USUK with mentions of past FrUK. Sequential to Making the Grade but not a sequel - this is a separate story in its own right. Enjoy.

  • Making the Grade

    '"Couldn't you just get a few years off?" Said Alfred, looking at his mentor's tired, pale face.' England is tired of working so hard so he takes a gap year and begins work at Hogwarts School. Can he keep his identity a secret - especially when the whole world is watching Hogwarts? ((Set during the Fourth Year)) USUK with mentions of past FrUK.

  • My Immortal - Revised Edition

    The year is 2017. The famed fanfic 'My Immortal' has returned to your screens, and this time... it is legible. Follow Ebony as she tries to decide between Draco Malfoy and Vampire Potter, as well as run her band 'Bloody Gothic Rose 666'. With Voldemort trying to seduce her into a nefarious assassination, Ebony's seventh year is not going as smoothly as she would have liked.

  • Wistful Thinking

    The one girl whom everybody assumes will get her Hogwarts letter does not. B-but surely that's insane, Lily must be a witch! No daughter of the famous Harry Potter could be a squib...

  • Until Reality Starts

    When nineteen year-old Lily Potter is taken by Severus Snape in the middle of the day in London, she is damaged almost beyond repair. But what link is there between the damage to her body and the loss of her magical abilities? Can James repair both? When faced with the oncoming battle, Lily needs both of her skills in order to protect those she loves from disaster. Trigger warning.