
  • Hope Springs Eternal

    When Percy reaches rock bottom and attempts to jump over the Astronomy Tower, the last person he ever thought would was there. Over the course of that year, Oliver and Percy form a deep friendship and along the way, Percy feels a sense of belonging. he feels love and acceptance for who he really is.

  • You're Worth It

    Stephanie gets the surprise of her life when she bumps into Charles (Who now goes by Charlie). From there, the two begin a friendship. Over time, she starts to fall for Charlie. It isn't easy dating someone like him. He has scars. He's anxious that it won't last but he tries to cover it up. He isn't like her other boyfriends. But it's okay because she knows he's worth it

  • He's Just Dad

    Takes place during Game Changers/ Bombay stayed in their lives/ Guy's son doesn't believe he was a Duck. They're cool and he's just...dad. So he sets out to prove it. Unfortunately for him, it doesn't go as planned

  • Dad?

    Post canon/ Charlie gets a concussion at the end of a game and calls Gordon "Dad" in his delirium. What happens after that?

  • Things The Ducks Aren't Allowed to Do

    The Ducks are not allowed to do ten things. And yet they do them anyway

  • Dreams Do Come True

    It's Gordon's birthday and Charlie has a very special present for his step dad

  • Meet The Baby

    AU where Charlie adopts Logan from Game Changers/ Gordon had never been one to coo and melt at the sight of a baby before. But than again, he'd never had the opportunity to be holding his very first grandchild either.

  • A Tale of Two Classes

    AU where Maggie dating Kenny Keroucan/ After an encounter with a girl she can't stand, Maggie begins to wonder if she and Kenny are wasting their time dating

  • The Cup

    Kid!Charlie/ Charlie is scared that Gordy won't love him anymore after he breaks the cup that Gordy's dad gave to him before he died

  • Favorites

    Gordon and Casey are married/ Casey feels like her son likes Gordon more than he likes her

  • Hope Within The Darkness

    Previously titled: I'm Not Okay. Ravi's slowly spiraling deeper and deeper and no one is noticing. He feels all alone, until he meets a girl who shows him something worth living for

  • A Little Comfort Is All You Need

    Pacey had a bad day but Joey is always there to make him feel better

  • Your Interests Are My Interests

    Charlie had never tried to be "normal" until he reached middle school/ Charlie's feeling embarrassed because of his interests and doesn't want Abby knowing for fear that she'll break up with him

  • Walk On The Wild Side

    He didn't know how she talked him into these things

  • Starry Night Skies

    Julie's missing home and her dad so Charlie cheers her up

  • Bombay & His Ducks

    A series of oneshots about our favorite coach and his ducks. Comment if you want to request an idea

  • Family Can Hurt You Too

    Gordon's mom wants him to come home for a family dinner. He hasn't been over in years and doesn't want to seem like a loser so he blurts out a lie: Charlie is his adopted son. He asks Charlie to go along with it and he accepts

  • Different isn't A Bad Thing

    Autistic! Charlie. Casey wishes her mom would accept Charlie for who he was and not who she believed he should be. OR: Charlie's grandmother makes an abrupt visit and isn't happy with her daughter or her grandchild and says a few...things that finally makes Gordon snap

  • Sensory Overload

    Autistic! Charlie. Gordon is with his kids at a hockey game when Charlie experiences a sensory overload

  • The Clock Is Ticking

    AU. slow updates. When Bombay is falsely accused of having raped a former client, he risks loosing everything and going to prison. No one else believes him and he spirals into a depression. It's up to the Ducks to be there for him when no one else is and do everything they can to save him