
  • The Dark Side of the Sauce

    You know of Palpatine, the Mad Emperor, Dark Side Sith and plotter extraordinaire. What if he had said 'Bugger all that, who wants to rule the Galaxy, really' and instead pursued other matters. Behold! Sheev Palpatine, master chef and wielder of The Dark Side of the Sauce!

  • A Destiny by Any other Name

    Can fate, destiny and the Force be averted, defied or changed? A young hero from our world discovers that those things are not so easily denied.

  • Bugger all that!

    Ciaphas Cain in a brand new episode of screaming in the alien and strange universe of The Federation

  • Shayla's Tale

    In 'How to not Raise a Sith Lord' a young woman falls in love with the MC. Because that fic was a comedy, the hero a lot blasé and almost entirely in first person it may of been unclear why exactly that was. Also her story and perspective is interesting in itself.

  • Harry Potter and The Riddle of Steel

    Demented crackfic in which Harry is a fan of Robert E Howard.