

  • One Year After

    One year after the events in Teen Titans, Terra admits her past and is targeted by Slade, who has unfrozen many villains and is using them as minions. In order to be safe, the Titans take her under their wing again. She continues to go to school, but one day Cyborg is captured. Will Terra and the other Titans be able to successfully save him without trading Terra? 3 part saga.

  • The Teen Titans vs the Hulk

    When Raven and the Herald accidentally let the Hulk into Jump City, the Titans must stop him in order to prevent the total destruction of their city. 3-part saga.

  • Resurgence

    After a resurgence of the Red Lotus, Korra was forced to hunt them down for eight years. After finally imprisoning their leader, his daughter strikes back and leaves Korra defenseless against the coming anarchy, and she must reconnect with her past lives to save the world.

  • The Wykkyd Origins

    Kyd Wykkyd… one of the most mysterious villains of all time. Nobody knows his backstory… but me. And I am going to tell you. (this is one of my worst stories)

  • The Avengers and the X-Men

    A new Infinity Stone, the Annulus, has been collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. Magneto sees it as a chance to destroy all non-mutants, so he gets Mystique to steal it and bring it to him. Nick Fury sends the Avengers to stop him at the same time Professor X sends the X-Men to stop him. The X-Men and Avengers will fight with and against each other, but in the end, they must defeat Magneto.

  • The 71st Annual Hunger Games

    Johanna Mason has been reaped into the 71st Annual Hunger Games. Her strategy is to act weak until the end, where she will kill using her axe throwing skills. Will her strategy work? Read this fanfic to find out.