
  • The Traps You Set

    Sometimes, things are simply known. Sometimes, learning requires mistakes. And sometimes, actions leave you wondering indefinitely. (Part 8 of 'Sum Ergo Sum')

  • Never Let Them Say Fleeing Can't Be Romantic

    The gang is fleeing from Templars through the streets. Why? Because Hawke pissed them off. Why? Because they threatened her favorite elven mage. The escape plan leads to some time alone with Anders.

  • Ergo Sum

    "Cullen prayed. The metal-framed door creaked on heavy hinges, but the Templar did not move until a shadow settled beside him, and tugged the hood from her head. They sat in silence, Andraste before them, the Knight-Captain and the Nightingale. "You are troubled," said Leliana. "As are you." " (Part 9 of 'Sum Ergo Sum')

  • A Song, A Chant, Insufferable Nonsense

    Cullen joins the Inquisitor during her weekly ritual in the armory in exchange for a song. They learn a little more than they expected from this simple afternoon. (Part 6 of "Sum Ergo Sum")

  • Unlikely Poetics

    " "In another life," she was fond of saying, all dimples and robust cheeks as she worked, "I was a fool in some Orlesian court." " Leona makes a move, and Cullen learns some poetry he's not entirely sure he ever wanted to hear. (Part 2 of "Sum Ergo Sum")

  • Memoriam

    "There was no funeral, just as there was no body. A memorial service would be held, but not a proper mourning. Commander Shepard had no living relatives. Ashley Williams blinked tears out of her eyes and kept her stance at perfect attention. "Damn it." This was no place to cry. Not now. She would indulge herself at the service, among friends, not alone in a Citadel elevator."

  • Takes Away My Fear

    Somewhere on the road, at camp, there is time for reflection. Sometimes, you're exactly where you don't want to be. (Part 3 of "Sum Ergo Sum")

  • As You Are My Heart

    Mahariel knows the word for affection in the Qunari language, but Sten does not yet know the words of her people. (Another asexual Sten/Mahariel fic)

  • In Service, Resolute

    "The Inquisitor did -not- remind him of her." For some reason, mages continue to define Cullen's life, even in personal matters. Of course, to say so would require admitting personal matters existed where he was concerned. (Part 1 of "Sum Ergo Sum")

  • Struggle is an Illusion

    The first time Sten calls Mahariel "Kadan." It is a long time before she finds out what it means. (Another asexual Sten/Mahariel fic)

  • Not in Jest

    "The breeze through the window was cool on Leona's cheek, smelling of damp, crisp night, the earliest morning dew already settled in the small, moonlit hours. Her blade rang on the whet-stone through the empty armory. Sleep, she found, was quite hopeless in the face of memory." [Part 10 of 'Sum Ergo Sum'] At last, we come to an admission.

  • Ar Lasa Mala Revas

    [Inquisition/Solas Romance spoilers] It was a blessing in which she could feel the power: cool, bright fingertips that whispered over skin, words that reached down to her heart and bound it up in gentleness, a tender tug at the magic that had seeped into her soul, the hot tingling of the Fade so like a breath of summer wind in the trees.

  • The Entropy School

    Before the Hero of Ferelden became a Warden, she was a Circle apprentice trying to understand her nature, finding an unlikely friend in a clumsy human. These memories keep her awake in camp sometimes, thinking of a friend she's sure is long gone-and it might even be her fault.

  • Where the Heart Lies

    In Mahariel's mind, important conversations ought to take place in trees, even if the relationship is an unconventional one by Dalish standards. Or human standards. Or Qunari standards. - An asexual Mahariel/Sten fic, wherein the question of 'love' is approached.

  • Winter's Flame

    Hawke's companions have a running bet on her relationship with Anders. They're too clever to get caught in the act, and deflect her prying with musings on magic that might just bring the pair closer together.

  • Where the Rubble Lies

    Hawke and her companions flee from Kirkwall in the aftermath of the Chantry's destruction and the nullification of the Circle. Hawke does not want to talk about what happened, but may have no choice in the matter. She gave Anders a chance for redemption during the chaos, but what now?

  • You Know, Magic

    The most unrealistic aspect of Varric's stories is magic, of all things. Hawke has a few things to say about that.

  • When the Words are Gone

    Varric's end. (No spoilers of any kind)

  • A Life of the Pen

    Varric's life is that of a storyteller, and the writing life is not always easy.

  • Nothing to Keep Me from the Storm

    No visit, no call. A daughter back from the dead can't just deprive her mother of a simple 'hey, I'm not dead' from the moment she found herself revived to the moment the Reapers arrive without consequence. (Part One of "Regrets, Like Old Friends" which includes "Breaking Over Me" and "Only If For a Night", in that order.)