

  • The Reunion

    Post 2x01, one-shot, Bellarke. Clarke escapes Mount Weather and finds her way back home.

  • Home

    (One-Shot, Post 1x12, prompt by tumblr user ohmygodhorses.) Clarke notices the bruises on Bellamy's neck, and Bellamy notices the faraway look in Clarke's eyes. They both realise they care about each other more than they originally thought.

  • All Of Me

    Post 1x09 (after the drop ship crash). Clarke falls apart, and Bellamy is the only one there to hold all the pieces together.

  • Forest Fires

    Rose and Dimitri are both students at St Vladimir's Academy. All the guys love taking a swing at Rose's tough exterior; but is she really as strong as she lets on? OOC, AU. Canon couples.