
  • Of Steel & Soul

    Kirito does a favor for a "friend"... lets see what happens...and Ducker does what he does best. Rated [M] for language and situations.

  • The New King

    Saito decides to help Tabitha when no other help can be gained. He will be OOC. Not one for summary's.

  • Sylvan Woods

    Getting saved by a beautiful girl...what is a guy to do? Rated [M] for language, situations, and other stuff I can't think of yet.

  • Instincts

    Issie was raised by an uncle after his parents died, and became a good friend to the red dragon emperor. He will be OOC in this fic, just a warning. New material in old chapters, done some adding to give some more meat to the story. I hope everyone will like, even though I'll get a few that won't.

  • All Good Things

    Set right at the escape. Read and find out. Rated [M] for language and future situations.

  • Tangled Web

    This was something I had cooking for a while...not good with the summery. Rated [M] for language and situations.

  • A half-elf's wish

    Starts in the cell, where it leads is anyone's guess. Rated [M] for some language and situations.

  • Walking Contradiction

    This is a what if Minato was able to help Akitsu and Uzume. Yes this will be a harem fic. Rated [M] for situations and other fun stuff.

  • Dishonored Book 2

    Picking up the story again...lol lets see how it turns out. Rated [M] for Lemons and other stuff.

  • Dribble 1

    Just a short dribble I came up with. And yes, its not romance. Every woman does have a motherly instinct, just depends on how it show's itself. 'A borrower nor a lender be...' Please read and review. Rated [T] for language.

  • The Sword of Hope

    This is what happens when certain things happen. Saito & Henrietta pairing. Rated [M] for situations and some language.

  • Dishonored Book 1

    Tabitha has just bought the familiar Louise has just summoned. Rated [M] for later scenes and language.