
  • Reading between the lines

    Pairing: Joan/Endeavour. My versions of the scene in 2x03 and 3x02 at the Thursday's house. What would have happened if Strange / Fred hadn't interrupted Joan and Endeavour's talk? Read to find out... Reviews and criticism are always welcome!

  • Since then

    A Sherlolly fanfiction. Molly's thoughts on things. Setting: season 3 and The Reichenbach Fall. Please R&R, I'm just trying it out.

  • Problems in Belgium

    John and Sherlock solved a case in Belgium... No problems at all. But there will be... Only where they don't expect it. Secrets are e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e... Rated T, just to be careful. Will probably be some swearing in later chapters. R&R