

  • Freaky Friday: JCS Edition

    "...and he was not Jesus Christ. He was only Judas Iscariot, that was it. Nothing special. Nothing holy. Nothing pure." A fic inspired by the Gospel of Barnabas. Perhaps the man crucified on the cross was not who you believed it to be, etc. etc.

  • Tell the Rebel to Be Quiet

    "...come on, disrespect? That was one of his supposed leader's least favorite things! Along with prostitution, and not being the center of attention, and love in the physical sense, and unfairness, and uneven numbers, and the cold most of the time, and snakes, and..." In which Judas tries to stop Jesus from going to the Temple.

  • The Memory of Trees

    "The trees just stood there. They were like guards, really. They just stood there and guarded their land. Like soldiers, except soldiers weren't made of wood and bark." Just some good ol' Ros and Guil stupidity.

  • Rewrite the Agro of My Furied Heart

    "I couldn't love a man so purely, even prophets forgave his crooked way. I've learned love is like a brick, you can build a house or sink a dead body." Judas and Mary may or may not admire each other more than initially anticipated... just some pre-musical feels and such.

  • Paranoid

    Set after 4/8 Main Event. Dean's left alone in an empty hallway. Obviously, he gets a bit paranoid.

  • Times and Fates You Can't Defy

    "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." Just as everyone else is judged after death, Judas Iscariot is no different. Just a bit of good ol' post-musical angst.

  • What Have You Sacrificed?

    I sleep a sleep of wounded sheep that jump the fence but are too weak, it's what the devil wanted from me. Put your lover to your chest, put all your fears to rest forever. (Wyatt/Bryan...)