
  • Go to Sleep

    What if the warden used Donovan for an experiment he'd never done before? What if this experiment left Donovan with his humanity, feelings, and memories but changed the rest of him? What if he still cared for Alex? I know, summary sucks but the story is really good, please give it a chance. Takes place the second after Donovan was taken. Will be updated at some point.

  • Love & Death 4: Bad Dog

    "Oh god, it's everywhere. What have I done? Blood...guts...oh god, I think I'm going to be sick. I'm a monster... My name is Rebound, and I have been a bad dog..." The 4th fanfic in the Love & Death series. Rating has been changed to M for heavy violence. [Discontinued] (I'm so sorry for discontinuing...)

  • If Only

    A re-write of my story 'why' This one is better than my first attempt, in my opinion. Also sort of a way of telling you all that I will be updating my stories again, I'm just not sure when. Rated M just to be safe, as it contains a bit of graphic violence. Hopefully this will help me get over my case of writer's block. Disclaimer: I own nothing.