• Highland Cathedral

    Sequel to 'Joy and Pain, Past and Future': Nightingale and Peter deal with supernatural things happening in a school. (Rating may go up to T in later chapters)

  • Joy or Pain, Past and Future

    Nightingale and Peter are experiencing a pretty normal morning, or at least as normal as mornings can be in the Folly... until Beverley Brook brings over a mysterious red and white scarf she found on the bank of the Thames. - "K" rating is subject to change. - Updates: I'm aiming for weekly updates, but can't promise I'll manage a new chapter every week.

  • Safety Training Refresher Course

    In Broken Homes, Peter mentions some sort of safety training that technically, every Met officer up to and including the rank of Chief Inspector has to attend. But he doesn't think Nightingale would ever take part in such a training. (M/M, Starlingale pre-slash in chapter 1, slash in chapter 2)

  • Havers Returns

    A relative of the late Lieutenant Havers comes to visit Button House.

  • Random Rizzles Phonecalls

    Collection of oneshots featuring Jane Rizzoli, Maura Isles, and one or several telephone(s). I'll keep adding to this whenever I get an idea for another oneshot. Better summaries at the beginning of each chapter. IN PROGRESS (won't be updated regularily, see above) -Chapter 7 has a sad ending-

  • Random Rizzles Phonecalls: The Mature Version

    This will be a collection of oneshots (and perhaps a few twoshots) similar to the original Random Rizzles Phonecalls, but everything that goes in here will be rated M. IN PROGRESS, will be updated whenever I feel like writing some Rizzles smut :)

  • 12 Days of Easter: The Xena Way

    Crack(ish)!fic inspired by the song, 12 Days of Christmas.

  • Eye of the Tiger EN

    Another dead body on Maura's autopsy table. The story of how the young man with the tiger tattoo ended up in the morgue of BPD goes a long way back... (This story is available in both English and German, and I'll try and upload a new chapter every week until the season 5 premiere on June 17). COMPLETE

  • Eye of the Tiger DE

    Eine neue Leiche auf Mauras Autopsietisch. Um zu verstehen, wie der junge Mann mit dem Tiger-Tattoo dort gelandet ist, muss man weit in die Vergangenheit zurückgehen... (Diese Geschichte gibt es auf Deutsch und auf Englisch, und ich werde versuchen, bis zum 17.6. jede Woche ein neues Kapitel hochzuladen). COMPLETE

  • Giovanni the Mighty

    "The history book on the shelf/ Is always repeating itself..." (ABBA: Waterloo) Warning: Crack!fic :) COMPLETE