
  • Data, Dorian

    While spending some time with Rudy, Dorian is exposed to Star Trek. What-if-they-were-Star-Trek-fans (not a true crossover). I had fun with this, and I hope you did too.

  • Contemplations

    This is a short, single-chapter story. After the events of episode 9, Dorian considers the long-term implications for DRNs. John is reassuring... sort of.

  • Angel Blood

    What if Dean got addicted to angel blood? In particular, the blood of his favorite angel, Castiel. Also, they encounter prophetic fortune cookies. Set somewhere during season 9, definitely before the finale. Could be slash, but maybe not. I leave the interpretation up to you.

  • Romance Novels

    Sam has nothing better to do. Set in the time between major disasters. No spoilers. Not related to any of my other work. It's a short story, and I had lots of fun writing it. Enjoy!

  • Desire

    A short story about Sam, set in the time between major events.

  • The Poison of the Manticore

    In order to save Castiel's life, Dean does something he never thought he would do. Set in an undetermined time period between major disasters; the Winchesters are saving people and hunting things, carrying on with the family business. Could be interpreted as slash with heavily tinted goggles, but it's pretty much a friendship fic.

  • And a Fortune Cookie for Sam!

    Companion fic to "Angel Blood," which can also be found on my profile. The combined length of both stories is only about 3,500 words. What happens to Sam after Dean leaves him alone in the restaurant?

  • Where to Keep a Soul

    Rudy worries about all the things that might happen to Dorian, and he comes up with a way to get some peace of mind. Dorian has to seriously consider whether or not he will take Rudy's advice.