

  • Fire Away

    A reborn soul from modern times changes the Uchiha Clan in the Warring Clans era from the inside out.

  • Jumping Ship

    Penny has a pregnancy test turn positive. This is one of those Lenny/Shamy to Shenny fics. Enjoy.

  • At the End of the World

    The world ends on a lazy Sunday afternoon a week before graduation. Or how Kurt and Blaine attempt to survive the Zombie Apocalypse.

  • Walking the Line

    In a world that has forgotten designations in favor of Quirks, Izuku Midoriya becomes an Alpha.

  • Sharing the Shenny Sauce

    "Not to be used as a flotation device."

  • Of Knights and Fey

    Fantasy Medieval AU. There are Faeries and Magicians and Knights, oh my. Shenny as always. Tw: main character death.

  • Unleashed

    Another Shenny Fantasy AU. Magic makes life interesting. Just ask Penny, she's been cursed , or has she?

  • Release the Dragon

    Magical Medieval AU. Or in which Sheldon makes a terrible dragon and Penny is even worse at being a damsel in distress. Shenny as always.

  • Unexpected

    Max and Caroline meet a year before her fathers ponzi scheme is exposed at the ball. There are clear benefits to this.

  • Paper Heart

    Max looks through one of Caroline's notebooks and is surprised by what she finds. Maxoline drabble.

  • Baby Bump

    Max starts to show. Sequel to Speed Bump.

  • Rain Shower

    Max and Caroline share a shower, pre-relationship. Maxoline drabble. M for naked girls, not smut.

  • Magic Arcane

    Just what Harry could have been like if he had been influenced by tv and a deep leoathing of boredom .no pairing as of yet Warning : foul language ,insane sitiations,and much comic relief

  • Nameless

    Penny can't remember a time before The Agency. A time when she wasn't a weapon, when she didn't follow orders mindlessly. Shenny as always, although it is mostly friendship. Rating may change.

  • Diner Chaos

    Au. Penny headed to New York instead of California and Sheldon's barber falls ill a few years early. They both end up working in Hans Diner. Shenny and Maxoline, because I must have them both.

  • And the Butt Thing

    So Max can't quite stop thinking about Caroline's answer to Claire's question. So she asks. The question has surprising results. Maxoline smut. Obviously anal.

  • Fairy Tale

    Magical realism, Penny searches for her story.

  • Double-take

    A love story told in glances. Shenny, occasionally I am a remarkable sap.