

  • No Way Out

    16-year-old Larisa struggles to keep herself together while her PTSD and depression begins to catch up to her, and she begins to discover more about her family that she'd rather not know...Rated for death, swearing, violence, misery, and darkness.

  • Just a Mirror

    Just a short free-verse poem about the Mirror of Erised.

  • Who to Trust, Who to Hate

    15 year old Larisa returns for her fifth year, in more danger than ever before, outside and inside the walls of Hogwarts. Takes place during OoTP. Rated for swearing and violence. Sequel to "Torn Between Beliefs". COMPLETE.

  • Torn Between Beliefs

    14 year old Larisa is the first witch ever to transfer magic schools. Placed in Slytherin, she thinks everything will be normal, right? Wrong. Takes place during GoF. Rated for swearing and violence near the end. COMPLETE.