Deplaisance de la Nuit

  • Next Summer's Seeds

    Widamia of Bruma County desired nothing less than to fight in a war between Talos and Tiber Septim. But sooner or later, we all must take a side. And she took the side of Thorald Gray-Mane. Her visit to the Thalmor Embassy, however, makes hash of her tentative allegiance and leaves her determined to end the war quickly, bloodlessly, and in a manner that looks to the future. (AU)

  • The Bony Warrior: A Fairy Tale

    An allegory of Doyle's efforts to be remembered for things other than Sherlock Holmes. Dedicated to Altamont.

  • The Tenacity of Lathenil

    Vignettes from the twilight of Summerset, and the life of Lathenil of Sunhold - the lone, half-mad, implacable Altmer who, by sheer force of will, proved one of the greatest foes the Thalmor had ever known. (Oblivion/Skyrim. In-game book Rising Threat recommended.)

  • Ghosts of our Fathers

    Martin's whole purpose in coming to the Mages' Guild was to conquer the nightmares that plagued Julius his father. To conquer them, silence them, change them, whatever it took. To escape the ghosts of the past. But Martin's past was his future, and it did not allow escape.

  • A Fatal Misapprehension

    The Thalmor way is absolute, and brooks no quarter with the claims of Man. Anyone with a hint of those sympathies has their doom marked, soon or late. Yet in this, they set the stage for their own downfall. (Vignette from Cyrodiil during the Great War.)

  • North from Cape Town

    Ivy looks back. [Valley of Fear]

  • A Dagger of the Mind

    In the wake of Dagon's fall, Vienne, Champion of Cyrodiil, must face the purpose lost from her life, and the darkest parts of her own soul.