
  • The Uchiha and the Avenger

    While searching for a good Jeanne D arc alter story i realized there is a severe lack of them. So i decided to write my own. In this story Sasuke is transported from the 4th great ninja war to Chaldea where he meets Olga. This story will take place during the Fate Grand Order storyline (but with my own twist). So all you Jalter fans enjoy and good luck on your pulls.

  • Itachi 's Pupils

    In this story Itachi has left Konoha after completing the massacre, instead of leaving by himself he leaves Konoha with his two younger siblings Sasuke and Kotori. Sasuke is somewhat OC in this story. In chapter two the plot thickens as Itachi's father tells him about a hidden room in the Uchiha secret meeting place.