Starfur Darkmoon

  • A Flower in the Dark (Request) (Will get rewrite)

    Upon a usual day, Pixal slowly grew more lonely. Borg noticing this decided to make her a little sister. When she met the younger girl, Pixal was over joyed, but upon going to grab her hand she accidently electrocuted her. Which caused a glitch in the younger's system. Pixal has to learn just how to help her younger sister, Cynder, cope with her issues.

  • His True Purpose (To be rewritten)

    Zane has always had an alien power source inside of him, Cynder and Garmadon both wish to wake it fully up to show his true purpose and personality. Chaos arises as he is fighting to stay good and fight his purpose. Every passing day Zane gets more hostile towards his friends and then it happens. Their best friend is no longer who they knew him to be.

  • Dimensional Swap!

    During a horrible storm, Zane is transported to Earth! Where he meets a young girl and her older brother. The girl seems to have a strange obsession with the nindroid, but she seems to be hiding something from him. Will Zane ever be able to find a way home? Or will he be stuck in a world he doesn't know? Genres and rating may change depending on how the story goes.

  • Circuits vs Flesh

    When dating two girls, you must be careful. Upon being caught, Zane must explain himself, but his explanation only enrages the two girls. With them both fighting for his affection, he's being pulled every which way, from fighting evil with his friends to nightly duties. Both the girls want him happy, but they both him. Choosing gets harder and battles grow longer, what will happen?

  • The Spell of Love (Needs rewrite)

    Just as Cynder and Borg are finally getting back in touch with their relationship; Borg's invention, that was meant to be a surprise, is corrupted and turns against him, being that he wishes not to worry his companion, he keeps the chaos to himself, doing what the Overlord asks, to keep her safe.

  • Their Dancing Wings

    When Kai meets an angel girl, who claims to be from another world, he must try to help her get home. But as time goes on, he soon falls hopelessly in love with her. After finding her a way home, he doesn't want her to leave. Kai lies to her as well as her friends just to keep Skyra there. Little does he know about the chaos that he has caused. (This will most likely get changed)

  • A Story Untold (The Demon Hunter and The Android)

    There is a story, that is untold about an android and a demon huntress. The demon huntress's name is Cynder and the android's name is Zane. Welcome to the story that may very well rock Ninjago to it's core. The demon hunter must keep her old master Fang from getting released. Zane was accidently brought into this, but is more than willing to help the huntress in her battles.

  • When the Sun Begins to Shine Again (Also needs rewrite)

    This is the possible sequel to "Why am I, Nya!" After years of being away from Ninjago. As she begins to give up hope that Dr. Julien is going to bring her back to Ninjago, she gets body switch with Lloyd! Only to find out Zane had forgotten about her and is dead! As paranormal things begin to happen, Cynder and Nya start to investigate. What will they find out?

  • The Dark Lover

    What if Lord Garmadon had a student? Who was so different that he soon fell for her devious charms? He always knew she was a better fighter, that she was smarter and more loyal than his own wife. Cynder saw him as her master, and he wanted more than the regular student teacher relationship. He soon found out that she was dating Zane, but Garmadon was not going to let him have her!