
  • The Noticing of Lucy Weasley

    Lucy Weasley was the most overlooked Weasley grandchild. Until she punched her cousin James in the face.

  • All Made Up of Darkness and Light

    Pieces Universe. It isn't until their seventh year that they realize how much they have in common. Leader, quitter, teacher, liar, protector, failure - some sides of people don't come through until they're put through the worst.

  • We Stand and Face the Storm

    Rose and Hugo are closer than any siblings have a right to be, according to James. So what happens when Hugo gets caught in the middle of Rose, Scorpius Malfoy, and their ever-intensifying rivalry?

  • A Hole in the World

    Pieces Universe. Seven months after the final battle, the only person still as broken as George over Fred's death is Angelina. Seven months after the final battle, she shows up at his door. They used to best friends. But war and sex change everything.

  • Not What She Expected

    Pieces Universe. Hermione's eighth year at Hogwarts had a plan: do what she could to help rebuild the school, study hard, avoid distractions, pass her NEWTs, and secure an internship at the Ministry. But things never work out quite the way that we expect.

  • And the World Turns 'Round

    Pieces Universe. Astoria Greengrass has known she was to marry Draco Malfoy all her life. The only problem? She can't stand him. Written for HPFC's Creepy Quotes Challenge

  • Bedtime Stories

    Pieces Universe. Ron's children have grown up hearing stories of the adventures of Prince Billy and Princess Jean. But when Rosie asks for the story of their wedding, Ron finds himself telling a very different kind of story.

  • Sortings

    Four children, four Houses, four Sortings.

  • All We Don't Know How to Say

    They've danced around the words for years, but the war is approaching and the stakes are getting higher. It's now or never, but will Ron finally find the courage to say what needs to be said?

  • Facets

    Rose is a writer. Scorpius is a photographer. And that influences how they view both the world and each other. Their's is a story for the ages, if they can only figure out how to tell it.

  • A Growing Up

    Pieces Universe. In the days after Voldemort's defeat, everyone is looking forward. Everyone, that is, except Ginny, who finds herself caught in the past, unable to move forward until she's cleared the air with Harry. Companion to Not Like a Stone.

  • See the Whole Board

    It's no secret that Ron is a skilled chess player. But when his opponent is Hermione's father, who will emerge the victor?

  • Seeing More

    Rose Weasley is a mystery, one that Scorpius Malfoy is determined to solve, even if it takes seven years and a conversation with a portrait or two.

  • Vita Perseverat

    Pieces Universe. Once a year, she watches their memories, and she relives those short few weeks of her life, when she and a boy still waiting to become himself were thrown together and beat the odds and fought a war and fell in love. Warning: character death.

  • Lilies That Fester

    He makes no sense, and you hate it, but you can't hate him because every once in a while, this decent person shines through. And in a lot of ways, that just makes it all worse. A reflection of James Potter.

  • Fighting Briars

    Pieces Universe. It's been three years since Scorpius last saw Rose Weasley. When their jobs at the Ministry suddenly throw them into one another's paths again, will they be able to overcome their differences before it's too late? Companion to Among Thorns.

  • But As the World

    In the aftermath of Sirius’ death, so much changed, but at the same time, not enough changed, and Remus is left to reflect on the role he feels he must play.

  • The Way It's Supposed to Be

    Pieces Universe. She's always hated her birthday. She's just never really understood why. Written for the Reviews Lounge Birthday Challenge

  • A Picture's Worth

    What with his youngest son's birthday and typical sibling rivalry and a very mysterious wish list, Harry's Christmas is about to get a whole lot more complicated.

  • Hearing the Rainbow

    If you have to see something with your own two eyes to believe it's real, you're going to miss half of life's wonders. All her life, Luna has wanted one thing above all else: to be able to hear the rainbow. NO DH SPOILERS.