
  • Promises Kept

    When the final battle arrives, will Harry Potter, with the help he has received from some very special teachers, be able to do what must be done? And is the rest of the world ready for what must happen next? Concluding the Seeker Universe.

  • Cowardice

    They will call what I did cowardice. They will say it was the easy way out. They will say I did it because I hated him and what he stood for. They will say I took sick joy in it. They are fools. Snape reflects on what cowardice really is.

  • The Hardest Part of Love

    Previously 'In Whatever Time We Have.' 'My fears, existent or not, are not the point' he yelled in return.'Then make them the point' she pleaded. 'God, Remus, for once in your life let yourself feel something for someone' Remus and Tonks talk.

  • Waiting

    Waiting was her life for the forseeable future. She had to wait for her hero to finish his quest and come back to her. It was a role Ginny hated, and one she couldn't escape. But one conversation with Harry could change all that.

  • Remembering the Seeker

    I know this doesn't begin to make up for anything I've done, and I am so desperately sorry for everything I've put you all through. I don't ask for your forgiveness, or any forgiveness at all. I ask only that you try to understand why.

  • What Used to Be

    I wish I could hate you. I wish I could hate your son. I wish that whatever inside of me keeps stubbornly loving you would go away. Because it hurts. And I don’t know how to make it stop.

  • Capturing the Seeker

    2nd in the Seeker Trilogy. One-shot. "I'm going to be blunt with you, Lily. You and James belong together." After six-and-a-half years of fighting, Lily and James are finally figuring that out.

  • Watching the Seeker

    First in the Seeker Trilogy. Lily hates James. But she is totally obsessed with him. Why else would she spend all her spare time writing about him? Why else would she have done so for the past seven years? What is she trying to accomplish, anyway?

  • Just fiction?

    I am invisible. As such, I can see all the other invisible people. one in particular that I'm very interested in. Her name is Joanne. I have a secret that concerns joanne. I know something the other wizards don't.

  • Those Wicked Eyes

    James is starting his seventh and final year at Hogwarts. But tragedy strikes halfway through the year, and a most unlikely person helps him in a most unlikely way. COMPLETE