Brown Eyes Parker

  • So I Wait For You, Like a Lonely House

    Mike longs and pines and can't sleep while he misses Eleven all the days she's away from him.

  • cling close to me, never to part

    At Joyce and Hopper's wedding, El and Mike dance.

  • one word, one love, one life

    The first time Mike asks El to marry him, it was a rainy day and they were sixteen.

  • If I Loved You Less, I Could Talk About It More

    Mike tells her that he loves her but not in so many words OR all the ways Mike thinks he's showing El that he loves her when the words are just too much to say.

  • Message in a Bottle

    When Mike Wheeler finds a message in a bottle, he is determined to find out the author of the letter. His search brings him to a small North Carolina town, and a young woman named El Hopper. (this story is no way affiliated with anything Nicholas Sparks).

  • El's Songs for Long-Distance Relationships

    El thinks she knows what sadness sounds like; it sounds like Joni Mitchell singing about lost love and maps of Canada. OR all the songs El listens to while she and Mike are apart. Mileven.

  • Winter Dreams

    Before she saw things that changed her, Melinda May would dream of first Christmases and houses drenched in white lights and glittering snow while she decorated a tree with a faceless man and Bing Crosby playing on a CD player and wish lists stuck to the refrigerator. It was one of her greatest wishes. Rated T. AU. Philinda.

  • A Marriage of Minds: First Christmas

    Sherlock and Molly prepare for their first Christmas together. Rated T. A Marriage of Minds universe. Christmas special.

  • October: Scared

    Three times May was scared, one time Coulson wasn't there for her and one time they were there for each other. For the October Philinda challenge. Rated: T

  • October: Pumpkin Carving

    Coulson and the team carve pumpkins.

  • October: Pumpkin Spice Lattes

    Phil Coulson liked to buy pumpkin spice lattes for his best friend, Melinda May.

  • Valentine's Day, Hitchcock Films, and Takeout

    Four times Melinda May spends Valentine's Day with Phil Coulson, and the one day that they spend it as something more. Tiny mentions of Skyeward towards the end.

  • (I'm Not) Cupid

    "Joss, I told you. . . I'm not Cupid." "A Person Of Interest" Valentine's Day story. AU.

  • Questions & Conversation Hearts

    "You've always been there," he told her, like he was reading her thoughts. His voice was huskier than usual. "I think that's what brings me back to you every single time, I can't get you out of my mind. Not ever." Sherlock/Molly, Valentine's Day special. Rated T. Maybe some spoilers.

  • That's How It Should Be: Valentine's Day Collection

    That's How It Should Be: Valentine's Day Edition.

  • Hitched For The Holidays

    Now Complete. When Patrick Jane's grandmother is dying, she requests to meet his fiancee. Going to a diner, he meets Teresa Lisbon, who needs extra cash for the holidays, together they come to an arrangement. Will it stay strictly business? Or will they fall in love? Based on the Hallmark film, "Hitched for the Holidays". AU. Rated T.

  • Symphonies

    Connecting one-shots about Kate & Daniel and their journey from the brink of madness to finding each other. Rated T.

  • Faking It

    In which Coulson pretends to be May's boyfriend and they get in way too deep. Rated T. AU-ish, slightly OOC but then we don't have enough background on the mom for me to know.

  • Lost Stars

    Hal Mason was suffering from the effects of a broken heart. Hal x Lourdes. Rated T. AU-ish. Inspired by "Lost Stars" by Adam Levine from Begin Again.

  • Together in Paris

    Harry follows Hermione to Paris to express his feelings for her. But, is it too late... and what about the mysterious Maurice?