Brown Eyes Parker

  • Merry Christmas Darling

    Five times FitzSimmons spent Christmas together and one time

  • The Touch of a Friend

    Abe and Henry invite Jo to spend Christmas with them. First Forever story, a little AU. Christmas themed. Rated T. Henry/Jo friendship. (until the next one-shot, anyways).

  • Love, Teresa

    20 years. 100s of letters. Dozens of e-mails. A story of how two people become friends and then fall in love through words. Jisbon. Major AU. Rated T. Slightly based on "One Day" and "Love, Rosie".

  • Just Like High School

    It was like high school all over again. He would pull on her proverbial braids and say things just to get her attention. Toby/Quinn.

  • October: Apple Cider

    At the orchard, he plied her with apple doughnuts and cider because it was what she had liked when they were younger.

  • Cons & the Cape Cod

    I hope that I am doing the right thing here. I hope that we get out of this alive. . . AU. Jisbon. Some spoilers for season 6. Rated T.

  • 13 Wishes

    13 wishes from my friends, myself, my tumblr followers, and my family for what they want to see in season 7. Story 3 - "Cross That Line" is my own personal prompt.

  • A Marriage Of Minds

    Burned and disenchanted with love, Sherlock Holmes makes a very strange marriage proposal to Molly Hooper, and she agrees. When a marriage of companionship turns into something more, the brilliant detective doesn't have a clue on how to cope. Will he drive or away or will he win her heart? Rated T. AU-ish. Spoilers for 3x01/3.02

  • Driving Lessons

    Coulson decides to give May driving lessons and things go wrong. Young Philinda, AU-ish. For stopcallingmebleepplease on the F Yeah Summer Secret Santas on tumblr. Rated K.

  • A Marriage Of Two Minds: The Kettle and The Pot

    "He's just being stupid about his wife," Jane answered. "It's nothing to worry your pretty little head about." "Isn't that like the pot calling the kettle back?" Lisbon mused as she took a sip of her drink. Sherlolly/Jisbon if you squint. Part of my Marriage Of Minds story.

  • Lipstick, Touches, and Friendship Restorations

    It went on like that for what seemed like forever. There were moments when he would let his guard down and be the sweet man she had fallen in love with. For a second, May would think that maybe (just maybe) everything was going back to normal. Philinda. AU. Spoilers. Rated, K

  • Sour Patch Kids, Friendships and Falling In Love

    She found herself thinking about him more often than she had ever thought of any other guy who had come in and out of her life. Coulson/May. Spoilers. AU-ish.

  • Feelings, Or Something Like It

    It was a foreign emotion to him, he had always thought that he was above such petty emotions. Rated K. Sherlloly. Flashfic.