Hayleigh's Comet

  • The Young Mentalist

    The CBI 2nd generation :) Plots, Mysteries, Twists, Suspense, and More, surrounding a young mentalist and his friends. Lisbon/Jane, Grace/Rigsby. OCs. R&R :)

  • Light

    Charlie finds a young girl named Spera in the woods who tells her she's on a special mission. But there is more to Spera then meets the eye and what might appear to be a chance encounter is not chance at all, but meant to be. Spera might be the Light the world has been waiting for. R&R

  • Riley

    As the Chicago PD works a mysterious case, Erin makes a connection to a young girl named Riley, who has her own mysteries about her. R&R! Hope you like. Slight crossover with Chicago Fire.

  • Return to Casino Royale

    "To some people, he's 007. A special agent of MI6, defender of queen and country. To others, he's a comrade, a partner, a husband. To some he's a foiler of plans or a cold hearted SOB. But to me... He's daddy."

  • A Little Piece

    *"Lt. Casey, I'm so sorry... she didn't make it." The doctor said. "No" Casey said as sorrow over took him. He embraced the doctor and cried. Casey felt like the whole world was coming undone. "We're keeping her on life support because there may be a chance we can save your child"*

  • Robby MD

    I was born Robert Gregory Chase, son of Allison Cameron (Chase), and Robert Chase. I'm 9 years old and when I grow up I wanna be a doctor. This is my story. (R&R, please be kind :) (K plus/T)