
  • Dr Defrense and Mr O'malley

    Sometimes, your dark side is more than you bargained for

  • Pack

    It's an animal thing, it was the job of every member of a pack to protect each other

  • Old Friends

    A seventeen year-old Peter sees a young raccoon running away from a bunch of thugs and decides to help *sort of AU*

  • Crate

    Cell? No, no that wasn't right. Cage? No, that wasn't quite right either, it was too small. Wait a second...crate! Rocket gets captured and taken to a lab where he will be put to sleep. Can Quill get to him in time?

  • Snowboard Showoff

    While up in the mountain Link decides to showoff his skills

  • Foot Loose

    Rocket made a point to make fun of anyone who danced. But when he's all alone on the ship and bored out of his mind, he leans why even the worst dancers dance anyway. *rated T because it's the Guardians of the Galaxy. I ain't gonna explain this shit.*

  • Befriending a Monster

    While running from Locus's soldiers Tucker runs into an old enemy. Running, injuries and a friendship that may or may not be forbidden. Tucker will learn from each encounter something new *rated T for wiggle room*

  • Break

    Omega liked to believe he could break anybody. But there is only one person who can break him

  • The Daughter of Valhalla

    On a normal day in the canyon Caboose brings home a small bundle that will bring joy, humor, and trouble all throughout the canyon of Valhalla. Her name is Ally and she is the daughter of Valhalla *Slight AU after season 8. Rated T just in case*

  • Betrayal and Spars

    After Felix's betrayal Tucker feels anger, sadness and hate all at once. And his good friend Agent Washington knows this feeling all to well *rated T because I said so*

  • Fourth of July in Gravity Falls

    Mable and Dipper can't wait to watch the Gravity Falls firework show from the roof of the Mystery Shack. But their Great Uncle has one last surprise for them

  • The Fandom Games

    Welcome, ladies and gents, to the first ever Fandom Games! May the odds be ever in your favor *some chapters might be M, though I doubt it*

  • Good Night

    Mable and Dipper come back from an amazing, though terrifying, adventure with zombies! But even the worlds youngest and greatest adventurers need their sleep, and it's their great uncle's job to get these two crazies into bed *just a fun fluff fic*

  • Blindness

    One restart makes Stanley blind. At first it's amusing, then it just gets annoying

  • Mirrors and Best Friends

    *this is a continuation of DreamCatcherJunkie's story 'Mirror', which you should totally read* Simmons feels like a freak, lost and friendless. But a lazy, orange soldier shows him he's wrong

  • Bath Time

    Godzilla is covered in the electrode eating tar from the giant squids and he's getting sick. The team have to get it off of him and that calls for a bath, will it go terrible or good? Read on to see

  • Just to Hear Your Voice

    What if Grif said 'shotgun' instead? What if Sarge fell off the cliff and died in Grif's place? Grif can't help but just miss the old man's voice, so he decides to hear it again *rated T for swearing. WARNING: FEELS INBOUND*

  • The New Door

    His whole life was based on what the Narrator said, what doors opened and closed, which hallways connected and which didn't, what stairway to take, what office to enter-and it was getting so boring and old that Stanley honestly wished that jumping onto the concrete floor would have actually let him die

  • The Apple of my Eye: Little Rebels

    "But-but I'm not gay!" ""It wouldn't actually mean anything, geez kid. Think of it as a one-night-stand."

  • The Message

    Coming home from defeating Mumbo the Titans make fun of the ridiculous villain but all joking stops when Robin listens to a heartbreaking message *rated T for a swear word*