
  • 100 Theme Challange

    100 themes to write and 365 days to do it, let's see how I do. Ratings will vary and so will genres, they will be listed inside.

  • Let it Go - Internet Parody

    This is a parody I wrote for all those that have only the internet as their escape to show who they really are because here you can be whoever you are and not have to worry about being turned down, we're all fangirls and fanboys, we're all a little perverted at times and we all obsess over actors and actresses.

  • Blind Eye

    Dipper runs away from the clutches of the society that wants to keep knowledge a secret. Can he get away in time?

  • Wake Me

    Felix is a master of the mask, hiding everything behind a perfect veil. But veil's don't stay down forever

  • Just Put it Down

    Mike couldn't believe that he had agreed to go to his nephew's birthday party at that horrible place. Well, it was during the day at least, what could go wrong? Oh, wait, everything could. Right.

  • Whatever I Want

    After accidentally stumbling over a feat in technology I find myself traveling into any universe I want, be it book, movie, cartoon, or live-action show I can go wherever I want, be whoever I want, and do whatever I want, I'm free! Join me on my adventures through the universes as I meet my favorite, and my least favorite, characters. *T just in case, may be M in some chapters*

  • One or the Other

    "What'll it be Shooting Star? The book, or your brother?" Bill give Mabel the most difficult choice of her life. One that she's not sure if she can make *rated T kinda dark themes*

  • How Enemies Become Brothers

    When Robin gets infected with a mind virus that is causing him to see everyone as Slade one extremely unlikely hero will rise to the challenge of fixing the teenagers broken mind. And even though forming a friendship was never the plan, it still happens *rated T just in case*

  • Wrong

    There were so many things wrong with this situation. First off, it was Bill and second, he was in Dipper's body. It literally could not be more wrong *rated T for a reason that's a spoiler*

  • Still Human

    Sherlock's been locking himself in his room more than usual. Why?

  • Comfort

    After taking a detour through a lab on a mission Quill gets him and Rocket captured. When all the noise and the smell gets to the little guy, making him remember a past he's desperately tried to forget, will Quill know how to help?

  • The Apple of my Eye

    Robin is sick of fighting and wants to lead a normal life, so he leaves Titan Tower. But is that the real reason why he left? Just because he couldn't handle being the boy wonder anymore? A certain thief doubts it and tries to help him but things take a terribly dark turn *rated T for swearing*

  • Metaphor

    When Rocket gets caught stealing he needs a little assistance, someone his size is easy to hold hostage, and Drax is right at his side when he needs him

  • Freak Show

    After escaping the facility Rocket joins a Freak Show, where he didn't feel out of place. However, he never quite felt he belonged there

  • Cold

    Peter nearly freezes to death while stranded on an ice planet. Lying in the snow and waiting to die Peter hears someone calling out to him, but he must be hearing things. Right?

  • Rescue

    While passing through town the Guardians see a house that has caught on fire with a little girl inside. Rocket finds himself unable to just stand by

  • Don't Make Me go Back

    When Rocket finds himself back at his own personal hell he just can't handle the memories. Luckily, Peter's there to get him out *friendship fluffs*

  • Two Hands

    "There ain't no one like me, 'cept me." That's more depressing than it sounds. But Peter shows Rocket that they aren't so different after all

  • Sarah Boone

    Craig hoped to never see the courier again, she was nothing but trouble. Sadly, she comes back to see him. But she has a pleasant surprise *rated T for F-bomb*

  • Tension

    Between the heat, Sarge and now having to share a room with Grif, Simmons has been on edge. But Grif knows just how to fix that