
  • Nearing Our Destiny

    What if Eltrio had survived and made it to his beloved Xia? What if they were banished from Dragovia while she was pregnant with two children? Stay Tuned and find out!

  • Tragic Love

    The story behind Prince Eltrio and Xia of the Dragovians. Prequel of Memories.

  • Distant Memories

    This is a compilation between Ceara Ivory and myself. What happens when one from our world who knows of the game as only a game ends up in the world of Final Fantasy IX? Read and find out!

  • The Truth Behind The Seal

    The what if the hero had a sister series is continued in the world of Dragon Quest VII. Here, they explore the world and discover the truth behind the sealing of the islands. What will happen? This is a KeiferXOC story!

  • Tears Of The Moon

    What if a woman fell unsuspectingly during the Dollet invasion into Seifer's arms? What could happen if there was another sorceress in the mix? Stay tuned and find out! A collaboration between Ceara Ivory and myself. SquallXOC SeiferXOC - But not the same OC. ;)

  • Peaceful Slumber

    This is a one shot between Queen Xia and her daughter, Princess Airlia. Takes place in Argonia while Airlia is about five years old, studying her history of the world at Melampus's hand. Xia came to tuck her daughter into bed and sang her a lullaby. One shot. Thanks to princessariellover876 for the idea.

  • Those Chosen By The Planet

    Part of a larger collaboration between Ceara Ivory and myself. Warning: OCXRufus pairing. Questions are asked, answers are elusive, and there's less black and white and more gray areas. Game 1 only.

  • The Missing Princess

    King Eltrio and Queen Xia are living comfortably in the Kingdom of Argonia. However, the peace is shattered when their daughter was kidnapped... What's going to happen? Stay tuned to find out!

  • Ambitions: A Final Fantasy X Story

    Book 1: Twin sisters get thrown into the world of Spira through a strange power that allowed Sin to suck them into their world. What's going to happen? Will it fall by the way of the video game or will they change fate? Baralai X Oc, Seymour X Oc (Coincidentally named Mindy)

  • Battle For Glory

    There is a young woman from the real world who makes a wish to be in the one place that she felt like she could be herself. So when her wish is granted one stormy night, what will she do? Hero X Oc, Psaro X Rose

  • The True Nature Of All

    What if Fayt had a sister who had been given a special symbol? Would it change the fate of all that he knew?

  • Memories

    What if the hero had not been the only child born of Prince Eltrio and Xia? What if the twins had been separated after birth... Would they ever find each other? Could they still save the world and perhaps innocent lives that were slain in the process?