I Love Muskrats

  • A Week Without Carrots

    The Box comes up, baring it's supplies for the week. Meli helps to put away the food with her fellow cook, Frypan. She has a bad feeling about this week's shipment and her life takes a turn for the worse when something doesn't come up in the Box this time. Carrots. Will she be able to survive WICKED's most evil variable yet?

  • Being Immune Meant Nothing

    Meli stays with Newt on the Berg while the others are in Denver. She's with him when the Berg gets raided, and he's with her when she dies. Just a short one-shot, rated T for character death

  • Coming to the Maze

    Meli finds herself waking up in an unfamiliar place only remembering her name. When she is introduced to the Maze and all of its hardships, she wonders why she got sent here. This fanfiction follows Meli and her experience in The Maze. Rated T for cursing and possibly some depressing moments later

  • Free-time

    A series of drabbles about what the doctor and his companions do in their free-time.