
  • Regrettably unsaid

    I had never told him how I truly felt and that was my chance, my last chance, and I didn't take it.

  • Real or not real

    I knew in that moment that I had everything I needed. One-shot.

  • Crimson Rose

    Van Helsing has a precise reputation, a definite way of doing things, but when he is sent on a mission and things aren't usual - even for his world - he is forced to change things.

  • Pernicious Perpetuity

    The need I felt for you was as sure as death and taxes, but then came vampires ...

  • Scarlet Raven

    Can you be so lost that you don't even know you are lost?

  • Mystrious

    It takes a mystery for an investigation and an investigation for the truth. The question is, why kind of mystery? SherlockXOC